Pain Release

Welcome Friend,

You are wise to have taken the first step to pain release.

Pain is a defeatable foe. The secret to reclaim your life from its clutches is addressing the root cause.

There are many sources from which pain rears its ugly head and may be downright mystifying. Through the decades I have worked with those whose pain arose from simple to complex origins. The more simple to address is postural aspects. For instance, a slight forward extension of the head can have enormous effects from head to toe. Headaches, neck/back/foot aches are no fun, yet can be liberated through a synergistic mix of table/energy and muscle rebalancing therapies.

Dr.Lissa Rankin, M.D. is a master at delving into more complex areas of pain origin. She discovered in her medical practice how many were ‘doing all the right stuff’, drinking green smoothies, going to the gym, etc…yet suffering with awful chronic conditions. You may have guessed it…stress and sleuthing out its source does magical things when quelled. Too often pain manifests itself from misalignment of ‘head & heart’. Emotional Freedom Techniques is a healing boon to many vexing conditions…another synergistic gift.

I’ll be honored to spur you on to victory. Click the link to take your Next Step To Freedom. No catches. No gimmicks. (No spam!). Just plain good news for health.