Kids and Diabetes

Thanks for taking your time to read this valuable information.

I recently conducted a teen interest survey on health. The most positive responses centered around heading off Type II diabetes. The majority showed significant interest in healthy diet/exercise patterns.

There is good news about the alarming statistics of prediabetic kids. The bad news is almost 80% of obese children go on to be obese adults. The odds are quadrupled for these overweight kids to contract diabetes. In the past 20 years the number of overweight/obese children have doubled. It is estimated that one third of those born since 2000 risk contracting diabetes. (I highly recommend reading articles at Sedentary entertainment and junk food consumption make a lethal combination. Kids are paying a huge price in earlier onset of ‘adult’ diseases in epidemic proportions.

Yes, there is good news. Most of these diseases can be prevented with simple and consistent, lifestyle changes. The more entire families are involved in healthy diet/exercise patterns, the greater the prospect of optimal health. Increasing physical activity is crucial, along with providing healthy alternatives to junk food. To enjoy a fresh piece of fruit, rather than a can of sugary pop is a good beginning. I applaud schools who are actively phasing out empty-calorie, junk foods.

If you are interested in health and would like to learn more about adding years to your life, and life to your years, please give me a call. I offer a wonderful 8 Weeks to Wellness Series from Lifelong Health. I also give group presentations should you have that interest.

Thanks again for your time and interest.

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