The Mighty Pumpkin Seed

Pumpkin seeds, though small in size, are nutritional giants.

Let’s take a closer look at their nutritional stature.

Pumpkin seeds are a treasure house of energy. They’re a rich source of Vitamin E, minerals, and packed full of protective phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are plant-based antioxidents. They keep cells healthy and stable and are a boon to the immune system.

Pumpkin seeds provide one of the healthiest forms of fat that dilates blood vessels (rather than clogs them). This healthy fat protects the heart. It also reduces inflammation in joints and has beneficial effects on cholesterol levels.

The protein content of pumpkin seeds is one of the highest of nut and seed foods. The white, unhulled seeds average 27% protein and are a great source of fiber. The hulled, medium dark green seeds contain up to 35% protein. Pumpkin seeds facilitate even blood sugar levels, avoiding highs and lows.

In our fast paced, whirling schedules, pumpkin seeds are a source of calm. They contain a high level of the essential amino acid tryptophan which is safe and natural—this has a relaxing effect on mind and nerves.

Pumpkin sees are sold in many forms. Their delicious and delicate flavor are treat to savor. Grab a handful today, to keep the doctor away.

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